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Psalm 133:1 (NIV)

How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity.

Unity in the Church is often emphasized but seldom achieved or even understood. There are way too many denominations and points of view. The disharmony in the Church is so great that there is disagreement even over fundamental issues such as baptism, the Lordship of Christ, or the Triune God. Some Churches advocate full immersion baptism, others emphasize water sprinkling, while others say baptism is not essential. Significant disagreement exists over basic matters such as the Divinity of Christ and the Trinity of the Godhead. While most Churches acknowledge that Christ is God Incarnate in human flesh and was utterly man and totally God, some do not adhere to the Divinity or the humanity of Christ. Why is there such disunity and disharmony in the Church over fundamental issues? The reason for such disunity is carnality or sin. As the Apostle Paul expounds in 1 Cor 3:3 and 1 Cor 11:17-19, carnality or worldliness is a significant impediment to unity and harmony in the body of Christ. Unrepentant sin, an unregenerate mind, or a soul not fully yielded to the Holy Spirit can promote great disunity and disharmony in the Church. Our enemy, the devil, is busy sowing seeds of disunity (Matthew 13:39). Christians should be aware of his schemes and realize that a splintered Church is a weak Church and is not much use to God.

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