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Spiritual planning


Dear friends, I trust that the Lord had been blessing and nurturing you. All of us make plans. Some of us are assiduous and meticulous than others, but all of us have some sort of a plan for our natural lives. Young people know what careers they want to pursue, adults know when they want to marry, have children, retire and so on. If we’re so diligent with our natural lives, shouldn’t we be even more careful about planning for our spiritual lives? What goal do we have for our spiritual growth and maturity? Are we are as methodical as our Lord who, at the tender age of 12, knew exactly where He was supposed to be and doing (Luke 2:49)?

I’d like for us to turn to Matthew 26:16-19. Christ knew that His time had come (John 12:23) and was about to celebrate the last Passover with His disciples. He then gave His disciples instructions just exactly where, when and how to prepare the Passover meal. For a homeless Man and an apparent drifter (Luke 9:58) Christ was remarkably well organized and good at detailed planning. We see this when He requisitioned a colt (Luke 19:31) or made arrangements for His mother to be cared for after His departure (Joh n 19:26). There was nothing haphazard about His life.

How’re we today? Have we laid out a spiritual roadmap for our growth in consultation with the Holy Spirit? How do we plan on attaining, at least in part, the fullness of Christ in our lives (Ephesians 4:13)? Do we have a roadmap for spiritual maturity (2 Peter 1:5-11)? I pray that we do.

Have a good week saints🙂.

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