Please pray for peace in Lebanon and that there will not be further escalation of violence across the border with Israel. Remember particularly those recently displaced from their homes in border areas.
Number of Prayers 15
Pray for religious freedom in Kyrgyzstan. There are new proposals from the Government to make the Religion Law even more restrictive with all religious activity requiring state registration.
Number of Prayers 28
Pray for Aytbek Tynaliyev who was convicted of ‘inciting religious enmity’ for sharing his faith on social media and questioning the authorities’ religious policies. He was imprisoned in Kyrgyzstan for six months in 2023.
Number of Prayers 36
Praise the Lord for new believers in Kyrgyzstan, recently baptised by Pastor Yuri. Pray that they would continue to grow and become established in their faith.
Number of Prayers 35
Central Asia
Thank the Lord for ‘Yuri’ and ‘Olesya’, a faithful missionary couple planting churches in Kyrgyzstan. Their home has been extended to become a new missionary station enabling their ministry to expand.
Number of Prayers 42
Central Asia
Praise the Lord for the dedication of pastors in Turkmenistan and Tajikistan who persevere and continue to serve the Lord despite having spent time in prison for their faith.
Number of Prayers 49
Central Asia
Pray for the distribution of good quality theological books, resources and literature to pastors and missionaries throughout Central Asia.
Number of Prayers 35
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Children’s Prayer Sheet
It’s not only adults who can pray for our persecuted family. Every month we produce a prayer sheet aimed specifically for children. Each sheet has specific activities and prayers which will help children learn more about how persecution affects children in other countries.
You can visit our Children’s Prayer Sheet page here.