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Nigerian Christians slaughtered as attacks continue.


Violence against Christians in Nigeria shows no sign of let-up. Following the slaughter of at least 40 believers in the week leading up to Christmas, another was killed and 53 kidnapped on December 25 in southern Kaduna state. Militant Fulani herdsmen and other terrorists attacked Angwan Aku village in Kajuru County, at about 10am on Christmas Day, local resident James Akawu told Morning Star News (MSN). ‘Church worship service was about to commence when the attackers arrived at the village riding on motorbikes and shooting sporadically,’ Akawu told MSN. ‘They killed one Christian and kidnapped 53 others who are still being held captive.’ In Kaura County, residents said herdsmen and other terrorists killed 40 Christians in Mallagum on December 18 and another three Christians in Kagoro five days later, area sources said. More than 100 houses were burned down in Mallagum. Kagoro is home to the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) Theological Seminary, the ECWA College of Health Technology and several churches. Local resident Emmanuel Gandu said terrorists were destroying both lives and property. ‘The lucky survivors have become refugees in their land waiting for palliatives in an endless genocide they can’t understand,’ Gandu said. ‘Mass graves litter the community and the countryside. Our people can no longer go to their farms for fear of being gunned down or macheted.’ Settlements and villages yet to be attacked have become ghost towns as people have fled, he added. Without decisive and urgent action, Christians in Kagoro may be wiped out. Pictured are mourners at the funeral for the 40 Christians slain in Mallagum.

  • This year we are running a major campaign to raise awareness about the ongoing plight of persecuted believers in Nigeria. ‘Out of these Ashes’ will be launched in the April edition of our Voice magazine.

Chinese church elder released Early Rain Covenant Church elder Qin Defu has been freed from prison after serving a four-year term. Qin, who was released in December, was arrested four years ago with pastor Wang Yi, who remains behind bars. While Qin Defu was not a preacher, he helped to manage the church internally and gave up his business to participate in full-time ministry for Early Rain in 2017. His involvement was so critical that the authorities labelled him the ‘backbone’ of the church. Our partner ChinaAid said Qin looked well after his release and returned home to his two children; his youngest was born just nine months before his arrest. Pastor Wang Yi is serving a nine-year sentence for ‘inciting subversion of state power’ and ‘illegal business operations’. PRAY

  • For an end to the violence and kidnapping perpetrated against Christians in Nigeria

  • Pray that the bereaved and traumatised would know God’s comfort, strength and provision and that those who have been kidnapped would be freed

  • That God would sustain Christians in Nigeria in the midst of unrelenting persecution.


  • That Qin Defu has been freed and pray that God will sustain pastor Wang Yi in prison until his release.

(Sources: ChinaAid; Morning Star News) Please CLICK on the button if you prayed. I prayed! If you received this from a friendplease click here to subscribe directly. To ensure that you always receive these Prayer Alerts in your Inbox, you may need to add our email address to your spam filter's 'safe senders' list. If you are interested in helping persecuted Christians by becoming a Release volunteer please click here. General enquiries or comments? Please email us directly at:


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