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Psalm 24:1 (NIV)

The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.

Christians often wrongly think that Satan controls this world and everything in it. To some extent, that may be true (Matthew 4:9). But believers need to understand that as powerful as Satan is in this world, God is more powerful than Satan could ever be. If Satan owns this world and everything in it, God owns Satan (Romans 16:20). Christians have a wrong view of God, thinking the Lord is up in heaven worrying about how to deal with Satan or how to set his people free. God can destroy Satan eternally this instant if He chooses to. And the Lord will eventually destroy Satan and his fallen angels in the lake of fire (Rev 20:10). Such is the power of an omnipotent God who kicked Satan out of heaven (Luke 10:28) and will eventually destroy our enemy forever.

With that in mind, it is ridiculous for believers to think that God can not somehow take care of them in this world because Satan rules the earth. As Christians, we should expect nothing from this world and no cooperation from its people. However, with His omnipotent power, God can punish, discipline, and, if need be, destroy the pagans and the pagan world to bless His children because, ultimately, God owns Satan and the world. This was clear when God destroyed the kings and rulers in Canaan and gave that land to His children, the Israelites. The Canaanites would not have given that land to the Jews willingly. Many of them waged war against the Hebrews. But God, who ultimately owns the universe, destroyed the worldly heathen and Satan and made the pagans bow down before His people. Such is the power of our omnipotent Father in heaven. So the next time you think that you can't survive in this world because you're a Christian surrounded by hostile heathens, remember that God still owns Satan and this world and can bust them up to bless His children, even in this forsaken, hell-gone world.

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