Matthew 16:23 (NLT)
"You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God's"
According to the American Humanist, humanism is a philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. Humanism is the opposite and the nemesis of holiness. Whereas humanism emphasizes self, holiness exalts God. Liberal psychologists tell us to be good to ourselves, do what feels good and right, and better ourselves. Many of the federal and state government policies are rooted in humanism. Things such as abortion, legalization of sexual immorality and substances, flag burning, and others stem from this right to self and self-expression. The individual is exalted, and all the policies and decisions are based on protecting and exalting individual liberties.
The question we Christians need to ask is, do those personal liberties honor God and glorify Him? The world tells us to do what feels good and right. But how does God feel about those liberties and rights? There are many liberties and rights, such as the freedom to assemble and worship that glorifies God. Still, many others, like the right to an alternate lifestyle, are an abomination to Him. Our policies and outlook should be based on what God thinks (Romans 12:2) and not humanism. When we fail to uphold God's holiness because we don't want to be seen as divisive, then we behave like humanists and not the children of God.