Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NASB)
He also set eternity in their hearts.
God Almighty has set eternity in our hearts. Why? Because He wants us to seek and find Him. Mankind has always wondered if there is more to this existence. Men have also looked up into the heavens to see if there is someone out there and what happens to them after they die. They have always wondered if someone out there created all of this or if it all happened by random chance. Men have always longed to worship someone better than them, who is all-powerful and all-noble. Though evil, the little goodness and kindness they found in themselves prompted them to wonder if someone was out there among the stars who were just as good as them. In times of trouble and distress, men have always longed for help and comfort and wondered if someone could help them or even care. When they sinned, and their God-given consciences pricked them, they asked if it was even possible not to sin and if someone out there was perfect and better than them. When the monotony and mundaneness of life wore them out, they wondered if there was a higher calling or purpose than the mere daily grind. The answer to all those then and now is still the same: God. God set eternity in men's hearts and a glimpse of His divine nature in the cosmos He created. God set eternity in the hearts of men so that they will look up to the heavens and find Him and a higher calling and purpose for their existence.