Ezekiel 12:11 (KJB)
I am your sign.
It's not uncommon for even believers to clamor for a sign or proof of God's existence for reassurance. The greatest fear a man has is not that he'll be hurt, but that which he believes may turn out to be a lie. His greatest fear is that he'll be deceived by accepting the wrong person or doctrine. A man may lose his job, wealth, wife, and family and still stand that shock. But he'd be utterly devastated if what he thought and believed was a total fraud. John the Baptist had this fear and needed a sign or confirmation (Matthew 11:3). In this day and age, we're neither blessed to see Christ in person nor are we blessed with frequent supernatural miracles. But we have the one irrefutable sign that gives us the constant assurance to clear all our doubts. Even miracles may not convince us when Satan is busy performing counterfeits (2 Thessalonians 2:9). God gave us a better sign. The resurrected Christ Himself is our sign. His indwelling Holy Spirit in us is our eternal sign (2 Cor 1:22).