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Matthew 3:10 (NIV)

The ax is already at the root of the trees.

The Holy Spirit is the divine ax (John 16:8) who roots out the chaff from the wheat. The Spirit of God is the divine prosecutor who searches the hidden things in a man and brings out his uncleanness into the light (John 3:20). As much as the blessed Holy Spirit is a counselor and comforter, and source of infinite power to those of us who believe in the Lord Jesus, He is also the prosecutor who exposes the shame and guilt of men and convicts them of their guilt. In the obedient who yield members of their body as slaves to righteousness, the Holy Spirit bears much much fruit to the glory of God our Father (Galatians 5:22-23). But those that are rebellious which will be chopped by the divine ax that is cutting down all rotten and unproductive trees. Such unproductive souls will be thrown into the lake of fire on the day of final judgement (Rev 20:10-15).

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