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Dec. 05, 2024 | Indonesia
Brothers Minister to Minority People Group
[11] prayers in [2] nations have been posted for Joyo and Setiaban.
The Sundanese are one of the largest unreached minority groups in the world and have been resistant to the gospel. However, when three Muslim-background Sundanese brothers - Joyo, Setiaban and Wira - came to faith in Jesus Christ, they also became passionate evangelists. Their evangelistic success in their village eventually led to persecution. When the news of dozens of Christian conversions began to spread, one of the Islamic social organizations in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah, rallied members to stop the brothers and the spread of Christianity in their village. Read More.
Dec. 05, 2024 | Central Asia
Christian Broadcaster in Hiding
[9] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Central Asian Christian.
Christians form a fraction of the population in the Muslim-majority nations of Central Asia, and followers of Christ in these lands often face severe restrictions on their worship and outreach activities. Broadcasting through the internet is a strategy some Central Asian Christians are employing to share the gospel message with their countrymen. However, utilizing digital media also comes with risk. One Central Asian Christian created a series of videos that directly challenge Islamic beliefs and uploaded them to YouTube. Soon, he received death threats from offended Muslims. "His videos are very confrontational," said a front-line worker. Read More.
Dec. 05, 2024 | Benin
Abandoned by Her Family, Loved by Jesus
[11] prayers in [2] nations have been posted for Maelle.
Maelle was only five years old when she was sent to a wealthier family's home to care for their infant child. While working there, Maelle attended church for the first time. Raised in a Muslim home, she placed her trust in Christ when she heard that "Jesus loves the little children." She said she felt that "Jesus loves [her] more than [her] family," who had abandoned her. Two years later, she was sent back to her family, but when they learned that she had come to know Christ, they were upset and prevented her from attending church. Read More