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Release International Prayer Shield, India & International Day of Prayer request.

📷 India

Thank God for the overcoming faith of Indian women such as Yashoda Ratre in Chhattisgarh, despite intense pressures and death threats. ‘We will not leave Christ,’ she says. Christians have also been denied government aid after flooding.

📷 India

Pray for three Christian families in Darashiv village of Champa district, Chhattisgarh, India, who gave in to pressure and renounced Christ. Pray that they will return to their Saviour and know His forgiveness, comfort and grace.

📷 India

Please pray that Christians across India will grow in spiritual maturity and discernment so they can withstand persecution and harassment.

📷 India

Pray for believers in Dargahan village, Dhamtari district, Chhattisgarh, India, whose leaders have told them they are not allowed to work, use public transport or talk to non-Christians. They are not even allowed to farm their own land.

📷 India

In India, Christians in Charama village of Kanker district, Chhattisgarh, who are banned from buying food locally due to their faith, have brought a court case against their opponents. Pray that the case will succeed and end this ostracism.

📷 India

Pray for Christians in Chhattisgarh state, India, who are going hungry as members of tribal religions in several villages refuse to sell them food and deprive them of work. In Bodiguda, Sukma district, locals also attacked Christians’ houses and destroyed their food.

📷 – IDOP

On this, the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church (IDOP), please pray for all those who are detained for following Jesus. Lift them up to Jesus, their advocate in heaven, and pray for their release.

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Nov 23, 2019

Heavenly Father, I lift up all the suffering saints in India and our sister's ministry to you in prayer. In Jesus's blessed and holy Name, I pray, Amen.

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